E-Health: Models, Algorithms, Platforms and Ethics

July 20th - July 26th, 2025


Aim and Scope

The 2025 edition of the Lipari School on Computational Complex and Social Systems aims to delve into the interdisciplinary facets of E-Health, emphasizing the exploration of data collection techniques, mining algorithms, models, and platforms for high-precision medicine at different scales of analysis: individual, city, nation and world. Ethical considerations, including privacy preservation, will be considered. The pervasive integration of such systems in decision-making processes both at the clinical level and in healthcare politics is crucial to ensure reliability and interpretability. Simultaneously, studying the intricate interplay between human decision-makers and machine predictions is essential for fostering a symbiotic relationship that leverages the strengths of both entities. This Ph.D. The school recognizes the ethical dimensions inherent in deploying such technologies, emphasizing the need to scrutinize biases, transparency, and accountability to ensure responsible applications.

Travel and accommodation

The conference room (located at Hotel Giardino sul Mare, Via Maddalena, Lipari) is air-conditioned and equipped with all conference materials. In addition, special areas are reserved for students for the afternoon coursework and study. The island of Lipari can be easily reached by ferry or hydrofoil from Milazzo, Palermo, Naples, Messina, and Reggio Calabria (50 minutes from Milazzo).


Two kinds of participants are welcome.

Students: Participants expected to do afternoon coursework and take a final exam (The grades will be given following the ECTS grading scale). The course will involve a total of 24 hours of teaching. Passing the final exam gives the right to an equivalent of 6 ECTS credits in any Ph.D. program.

Auditors: participants not interested in taking the final exam.

The registration fee is 650 €. It covers the course material, bus + hydrofoil Catania airport-Lipari-Catania airport, social events, and coffee breaks. Late registration is 750 €.   
Early registration applications can be submitted up to April 30th, 2025. Late registrations will be accepted up to July 23rd, 2025

Applicants must include an updated link to an official website and a cell phone number in case of an emergency.  In case of cancellation after fee payments, a 30% penalty will be applied. Regarding credit card payments, processing fees cannot be reimbursed. Payment must be received as soon as possible, no later than July 23rd, 2025. Only wire transfers or credit card payments can be accepted.

SoBigData RI

This event is supported by the European Union – Horizon 2020 Program under the scheme “INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 – Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities”, Grant Agreement n.871042, “SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics” (http://www.sobigdata.eu), and by SoBigData.it that receives funding from European Union – NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR) – Project: “SoBigData.it – Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics” – Prot. IR0000013 – Avviso n. 3264 del 28/12/2021.

L’evento “Lipari School on Computational Complex and Social Systems - E-Health: Models, Algorithms, Platforms and Ethics” è stato organizzato anche nell’ambito delle iniziative del progetto SoBigData.it volte alla formazione di nuovi utenti e comunità dell’infrastruttura di ricerca (SoBigData.eu).